

🇮🇹 L’escursione ha una durata di circa 3 ore e comprende 2 soste, durante le quali si potrà effettuare snorkeling grazie all’attrezzatura presente a bordo.

Si parte dal famoso porto di Leuca direzione Levante (costa adriatica) passando da punta Meliso, punto di divisione tra i due mari.

Proseguendo verso ponente (costa ionica) possiamo ammirare Punta Ristola, estremo lembo meridionale del Salento più conosciuto come tacco d’Italia. Saranno 3 ore intense, emozionanti che sarà difficile dimenticare.

🇬🇧 This is Salento Waves, a real wave of emotions, beauties, colours, professionalism which will make you discover what Salento is, admiring from close up the beautiful grottoes and bays that Leuca gives us.

The Waves make the sea alive and in the same way, Salento Waves will make alive your tour in the crystalline waters, shades of colours and a lovely sail between the Ionian sea and the Adriatic sea. The tour will last about 3 hours, including two stops to swim during which you can snorkel thanks to our equipment on board.

We depart from the famous port of Leuca, towards east ( Adriatic coast ), passing througt Punta Meliso, meetings point of the two seas, Ionian and Adriatic.

We will continue the trip moving to the other side towards the west (Ionian Sea). Here we can admire the Punta Ristola, the southernmost tip of Salento, commonly known as the heel of Italy. It will be a three intense hours tour that you will hardly forget.


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